Choose your Basket size

Choose the basket size that fits your team:

  • 10 employees or less: we recommend the Traditional Basket (about 35 pieces of fruit).

  • 10 to 25 employees: we recommend the Big Basket (about 50 pieces of fruit).

  • 25 employees and more: we recommend the Extra Large Basket (about 65 pieces of fruit).

Not sure which basket is right for your team? Contact us, we will be happy to answer any of your questions and find the best basket for you!

Choose the frequency of deliveries

We can do 1 to 5 deliveries per week to your office depending on the needs and budget of your company.

Delivery is always free!

Automated deliveries

Once you have selected your basket size and how often you would like to receive them, contact us so that we can automate your deliveries. We will set you up with a simple and secure payment system and a flexible, non-binding service agreement. All that is left to do is receive your baskets and enjoy them with your colleagues.